Friday, January 20, 2006

do you need an ass whoopin?

I am relatively sensitive to violence in the home. It just seems as if domestic permeates society and the violence is ignored more often than not. This violence of the home is even represented in the media at times…

I am not sure where you stand on this particular “comic” strip, but the strip is relatively controversial for bringing issues, primarily of race into the forefront. This viewpoint, I cannot defend.

I feel it is wrong for children to be physically punished. Children cannot defend themselves. Children need to be nurtured and loved. A child will not prosper in an environment where fear rules. I feel that if you want your children to behave, you should lead them in the right direction by being the example and providing mentorship. Whuppin’ ass never creates anything but fear and resentment in a child that often breeds contempt.

Most often, it seems to me that violence in the home is perpetrated by one who desires to impose powerlessness on the victim. I find being a bully of such to be wrong.

Then there is always cases like these that start off innocently, as discipline, I am quite sure.

I just fail to see the comedy in this particular “comic”. I am not entertained. Sue me. Whatever you do, keep your hands to yourself.

Don't get me wrong. I do know the difference between a "spanking" and child abuse. I believe that child abuse can be eliminated through the absence of spanking. I liken it to being a casual crack head; any abuse at all is too much.

Besides, when was the last time you got beat for doing something wrong?
